Climate & Energy Bills – 2023

350 Santa Fe Priority Climate & Energy Bills

The 2023 session is now closed and our thanks go to everyone who participated in supporting, testifying and encouraging the passage of the legislative items we have prioritized. Many organizations played a key role in getting bills passed.

Eventually, you will see which bills the Governor has signed.

Priority Legislation Scorecard

Many pieces didn’t make it. There is much work still to do. Here’s a summary of how our supported bills fared.

Final Legislative Score: 8 Wins – 14 Losses

Final Executive Score: 2 Wins – 20 Losses

Important legislation we supported that PASSED 

The bills that the Governor vetoed are shown with VETOED. 

HB 547 Public Peace, health, Safety & Welfare – the final tax package sent to the governor, includes a suite of climate-protecting tax credits from:

HB 412 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit VETOED

SB 22 Electric Vehicle & Charging Unit Tax Credits VETOED

HB 32 Energy Storage System Income Tax Credit VETOED

SB 173 Geothermal Energy Generation Tax Credit Act VETOED

SB 45 Geothermal Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Tax Credit VETOED

HB 2 General Appropriations Act 2023 – that included a) increases in agency appropriations and b) $400 k for NM Tech for geothermal work.

HB 365 Geothermal Center & Fund VETOED

HB 95 makes the Renewable Energy Office in the State Land Office permanent

Important legislation we supported that DIDN’T pass 

SB 520 Clean Future Act

HB 426 Clean Fuels Standards

HB 188 Economic Transition Division – though some funds may be directed toward related uses from the $50 million appropriation for advanced energy technology and energy transition in HB2.

SB 74 Energy Generation Facility Requirements

HJR 4/SJR 6 Environmental Rights GA (the Green Amendment)

SB 8 Geothermal Resource Development Act that included:

SB 169 Climate Investment Center & Fund (Green Bank/Fund)

HJR 8 Legislative Salaries, CA

HJR 2 Legislative Session Changes, CA

SB 165 Local Choice Energy Act

SB 77 New Home-Build Renewable Requirements

SB 418 Oil and Gas Act Changes

HB 42 / SB 5 Public Health and Climate Resiliency Act

SB 266 Retail Distributed Generation

What You Can Still Do

You can always click on the committee link against each bill below for more information on committee chairs and members. Drill down to find email addresses and in the cases where our supported bills passed you might send a thank you note.

General webcasts of the hearings should be available for anyone to review.

Priority Legislation Details

Column Headings:

  • Bill ID links go to the page for details on the legislation.
  • Current Location shows which committee is holding hearings
  • Hearing Scheduled shows dates and place of hearings


Bill ID Titles Sponsors Last Location Hearing Scheduled
SB 520 Clean Future Act ♣ Sen. Mimi Stewart Tabled in SCONC
HB 188 Economic Transition Division

(prev. part of ‘climate omnibus’ bill)

(fact sheet)

Rep. Angelica Rubio

Rep. Kristina Ortez

Rep. Linda Serrato

Rep. Anthony Allison

Rep. D. Wonda Johnson

Incorporated in HB 2


2/3/23 passed HGEIC

HB 412 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit

(mirrors SB 22)

Rep.Yanira Gurrola et al Incorporated into HB 547


2/16/23 passed HENRC

HJR 4 Environmental Rights Act (Green Amendment) CA

(fact sheet)

Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary

Sen.Antoinette Sedillo Lopez

Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero

SJR 6 Environmental Rights Act (Green Amendment) CA

(fact sheet)

Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez

Sen. Harold Pope

Sen. Shannon D. Pinto

Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary

Rep. Tara L. Lujan

SB 22 EV & Charging Unit Tax Credit Sen. Bill Tallman Incorporated into HB 547


HB 2 General Appropriations Act 2023

(Support for NMED, EMNRD, OSE/ISC Staffing)

Rep. Nathan P. Small

Rep. Meredith A. Dixon

3/15/23 passed House (concurred)

3/12/23 passed Senate w/amend.

3/12/23 passed SFC

2/16/23 passed House

2/15/23 passed HAFC

HB 365 Geothermal Center and Fund ☥

(mirrors SB 8)

Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero

Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary

Rep. Tara L. Lujan

Rep. Debra M. Sariñana

3/17/23 passed House (concurred)

3/16/ passed Senate w/amend

3/15/23 passed SFC

3/9/23 passed SCONC

3/1/23 passed House

2/24/23 passed HAFC

2/14/23 passed HENRC


SB 173 Geothermal Energy Generation Tax Credit Act Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino

Sen. Ron Griggs

Sen. Pat Woods

Sen. Mimi Stewart

Incorporated into HB 547


SB 45 Geothermal Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Tax Credit Sen. William Soules


Incorporated into HB 547


SB 8 Geothermal Resource Development Act

(fact sheet)

Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino

Sen. Pat Woods

Sen. Ron Griggs

Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero

House Calendar

3/16/23 passed


3/9/23 passed Senate

3/8/23 passed  SFC

1/26/23 passed SCONC


HB 42 Public Health and Climate Resiliency Act

(fact sheet)

Rep. Liz Thomson

Rep. Kristina Ortez


1/25/23 passed HHHC

SB 5 Public Health and Climate Resiliency Act

(fact sheet)

Rep. Liz Stefanics

Rep. Liz Thomson


1/25/23 passed SHPAC


Supported legislation we also want passed.

Bill ID Titles Sponsors Last Location Hearing Scheduled
HB 426 Clean Fuel Standards♦

(fact sheet)

Rep. Kristina Ortez

Sen. Mimi Stewart

Rep. Christine Chandler

Sen. Katy M. Duhigg

Sen. Carrie Hamblen

House Calendar

3/4/23 passed  HGEIC

3/23/23 passed HENRC


SB 169 Climate Investment Center & Fund  (Green Bank/Fund)

(fact sheet)

Sen. Liz Stefanics

Rep. Kristina Ortez


Incorporated into SB 8


2/9/23 passed SCONC

SB 74 Energy Generation Facility Requirements* Sen. Bill Soules STBTC

1/27/23 passed SCONC

HB 32 Energy Storage System Income Tax Credit*

(fact sheet)

Rep. Debra Sariñana Incorporated into HB 547


1/27/23 passed HENRC

HB 1 Feed Bill

(Modern. Legi: Paid Staff – study funded in HB 1)

Rep. Gail Chasey  1/20/23 Chaptered
HJR 8 Legislative Salaries, CA

(Modern. Leg: Paid Legislators)

(fact sheet)

Rep. Angelica Rubio

Rep. Joy Garratt

Rep. Debra M. Sariñana

Rep. Kristina Ortez

Rep. Susan K. Herrera


3/10/23 passed SRC

3/4/23 passed House

3/3/23 passed  HJC

2/27/23 House returned to committee

2/15/23 passed HJC

2/6/23 passed HGEIC

HJR 2 Legislative Session Changes, CA

(Modern. Leg: 2×60 day sessions)

(fact sheet)

Rep. Natalie Figueroa

Rep. Linda Serrato

Rep. Kristina Ortez

House Calendar

2/13/23 passed HJC

2/6/23 passed HGEIC

Sunday, March 12, 2023
SB 165 Local Choice Energy Act

(fact sheet)

Sen. Carrie Hamblin SJC

2/9/23 passed SCONC

SB 77 New Home Build Renewable Requirements* Sen. Bill Soules House Calendar

passed 3/8/23 HCPAC

passed 3/2/23 HENRC

2/22/23/passed Senate

2/20/23 passed STBTC

2/2/23 passed SCONC

SB 418 Oil and Gas Act Changes

(aka New Mexico Oil and Gas Justice and Reform Act)

(fact sheet)

Sen. Leo Jaramillo SJC

2/28/23 passed SCONC

HB 95 Renewable Energy Office In State Land Office*

(fact sheet)

Rep. Tara Lujan 3/18/23 Chaptered

3/9/23 passed Senate

3/6/23 passed SHPAC

2/28/23 passed SCONC

2/17/23 passed House

2/15/23 passed  HENRC

2/6/23 passed HENRC

1/31/23 passed HGEIC

SB 266 Retail Distributed Generation Sen. Liz Stefanics

Rep. Andrea Romero


2/16/23 passed  SCONC


* support added 2/7/23

☥ support added 2/10/23 – House mirror of Senate bill.

♦ support added 3/1/23

♣ support added 3/7/23


Key to Committee Abbreviations.
