Facilitator: Robert Cordingley, Chemical Engineering Fellow (ret)
Technological solutions, whether it’s for energy storage, carbon sequestration by natural processes, or efficiencies in energy generation inevitably passes through the stages from an idea through Laboratory Research, Pilot Plant Demonstration, Commercial Scale Demonstration to wide-spread adoption. Other additional steps of technology transfer from “inventor” to financed industry entrepreneur may be necessary to speed up the process. State and Federal funding can also speed up the process of bringing new or improved technology to market
In order to transition away from the Oil and Gas industries, the State will need to build a new tax base and find alternatives to Oil and Gas revenues that play such a big part of the State’s budge (>40% in 2023). The resources of industry, banks and businesses in general when working toward solving the climate crisis will have a big impact on job creation and quality of life. This is especially true as fossil fuel air, water and soil pollution are eliminated.
The team will continue to look at the findings of the Drawdown Project and others for candidate solutions. Investments and strategies that lead toward a viable renewable energy economy for New Mexico in a just transition, avoiding environmental injustices, can be prioritized.