David Bomse for 350 Santa Fe, Sept 5, 2024

Project 2025 is the 950-page instruction manual for Donald Trump’s second term should he be elected. The Project’s recommendations regarding global warming have one theme: denial.  That means cutting the funds, staff, and authority to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

Many news articles and web posts describe details about Project 2025 that are relevant to global warming.  The three cited below are particularly useful:

  • This post at Atmos.earth thoroughly details Project 2025’s complete rejection of all governmental global warming activities.
  • This EEnews post by is specific to the EPA.
  • Energy Innovation has a wide ranging report called, “The Second Half Of The Decisive Decade: Potential U.S. Pathways On Climate, Jobs, And Health.” The report (27 pages long) that can be downloaded here considers long-term health and economic projections based on current Biden-era plans vs Project 2025 recommendations.

In addition, ProPublica obtained leaked videos of Project 2025 training sessions. Videos are embedded within a ProPublica post. In one video, Bethany Kozma, a conservative activist and former deputy chief of staff at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the Trump administration, says the movement to combat climate change is part of a ploy to “control people,” and, “If the American people elect a conservative president, his administration will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere.”

Project 2025 wants to destroy all attempts to mitigate climate change.  If implemented, the results for the world will be worse than you can imagine.

