350 Santa Fe

The mission of 350 Santa Fe is to promote rapid and just reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through education and advocacy in Santa Fe and throughout New Mexico as we work to secure a healthy planet

Photo by Adam Schultz / Biden for President

Along with 350 Action, we are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States.

The first woman, the first Black woman, the first South Asian woman, and most importantly, the first real chance for a climate champion in the White House — this is an historic moment!

Our planet continues to hit record-breaking temperatures. Our New Mexico communities continue to suffer the impacts of the climate crisis with more frequent and stronger wildfires, and impending water managment crises. The stakes could not be any higher in this election.

Learn why Global Warming is a problem from these short video presentations:

Who we are and what we do

We are very concerned citizens from in and around Santa Fe who are worried about the long term impacts of the higher temperatures on our planet and on New Mexico in particular.
There are many solutions that could be pursued but it’s not happening fast enough.  Our politicians, agency personnel, business leaders and the public in general could do a lot more.
To build political will we believe it’s important to educate ourselves as well as members of the public, legislators and public employees. We strive to be a source of science-based information free from conspiracy theories.



Some examples of our work

An entry in Our Weekly News Digest

Each WND team member monitors their assigned publications to include synopsis of important stories.

An extract from our Global Warming Wiki

Wiki editors add important facts and figures on the problems of the climate crisis and the many solutions in development or being pursued.

Our most recent climate movie screening

Team members work to identify important climate crisis movies to bring to Santa Fe along with expert discussions.


What you can do

Subscribe: Join our 350 Santa Fe email list.
Get Involved in one or more of our team activities.
Donate what you can to help us grow our programs.
Share your thoughts on how you want to make a difference.