Be Part of a Movement

Here are some ideas if you want to take your actions to the next level by joining a climate change group or by doing other coordinated work with environmental action groups.

  1. You can join a climate change action group. Here’s a list of some national groups with chapters in many cities.

2. Join Native American campaigns that are welcoming allies:

    • Honor the Earth.  Creates awareness and support for Native environmental issues and develops needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities.

    • Indigenous Environmental Network. IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues.

    • Justice for the Lakota People partners with Native communities to protect sacred lands, safeguard human rights, promote sustainability, reunite indigenous families, and much more.

    • Four Directions is an organization focused on mobilizing Native American people to vote.

   3. Go to city council meetings.

   4. Organize or participate in climate strikes.

   5. Engage in nonviolent civil disobedience.

   6. Brainstorm with friends, co-workers, neighbors, spiritual fellows. ​

Let’s remember to take good care of each other!

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